Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Been a while since I posted huh? LOL

Stay on the lookout I'll be back eventually ;-)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I don't care if you're a child or an adult or a little bit of both...


I took T, the 6 rugrats, my brother and his girlfriend and everyone LOVED IT. The funniest bits were by Mater. You know, like Tuh-Mater, without the Tuh. His voice was Larry the Cable guy and he really made the movie. I bet at least one of you if not all will walk out "MATER-fied" and talkin like a damn redneck. LOL I definitely can't wait for DVD!

Bar-b-que Season

Barbecue Season Is Coming!

After the long months of cold and winter, we will soon be coming up to summer and BBQ season. Therefore it is important to refresh your memory on the etiquette of this sublime outdoor cooking as it's the only type of cooking a real man will do, probably because there is an element of danger involved.

When a man volunteers to do the BBQ the following chain of events are put into motion:


1) The woman buys the food.

2) The woman makes the salad, prepares the vegetables, and makes dessert.

3) The woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it on a tray along with the necessary cooking utensils and sauces, and takes it to the man who is lounging beside the grill - beer in hand.

Here comes the important part:


More routine....

5) The woman goes inside to organize the plates and cutlery.

6) The woman comes out to tell the man that the meat is burning. He thanks her and asks if she will bring another beer while he deals with the situation.

Important again:


More routine.....

8) The woman prepares the plates, salad, bread, utensils, napkins, sauces and brings them to the table.

9) After eating, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.

And most important of all:

10) Everyone PRAISES the MAN and THANKS HIM for his cooking efforts.

11) The man asks the woman how she enjoyed "her night off." And, upon seeing her annoyed reaction, concludes that there's just no pleasing some women....

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Maybe it's the devil coming out in me but...

I wonder if people were freaking out about the date on June 06, 1906 as much as they are today...

Friday, June 02, 2006

Wireless Couch Potato

Amazingly I finally got my wireless network working so the wireless laptops in this house actually work - WOOHOO! Between that and all the shows I've been drug into watching ending I might even become a blogger again. Yep. (Believe it when ya see it) ;-)

God I hate reruns. **INSERT WHINING HERE** You watch a show, cant wait for the week to get through and watch the next episode and its a rerun. What's up with that?!? There's just no reason for them! sigh. **END WHINING**

I actually haven't really watched TV shows for about 6 six years - while in England we even cancelled the Satelite after time and just bought movies all the time and watched them instead. I would buy seasons of 24 (my fav!) and Lost and have marathons watching them but that was about it. Coming back I swore I wasnt going to get hooked on TV. Then I went right to MIDS and we get to watch TV on mids so I got sucked into American Idol, Grey's Anatomy, House, Lost and Miami Ink. Yes some of them would coincide - but I fixed that by doing the whole channel flip-flop thing. Im not hooked at all...

Friday, May 19, 2006


I'm having one of those Anti-Computer times where I just have no motivation to go online ;-) Things are good on this end. Today I took off work sick (cough/cough)and I got to float around on my raft, with my book, all day, in our pool, with this gorgeous weather! I'm a little burned but it was well worth the relaxation - the only thing I was missing was my "Sex on the Beach" heehee (I would say Margarita but I have yet to have one of them suckers - maybe one day!)

Oh yeah, we got a kitten - actually two - but T threw a fit over 'those filthy disgusting creatures' and we had to do a compromise and only keep one. So Sasha stays and Isabella will be leaving us next week. They are so cute together - I'll post some pics next week. I'm off to Maryland tomorrow to surprise Mom for her birthday and help my brother and girlfriend move her with us. Right now they are coming for the summer/fall to help me out with the kids but I'm hoping they stay so we have family here :-) This means T gets to move Kerigans bed out of her room, move the bed we are using into her room for Mike and Marcie and I'LL FINALLY GET MY NEW WATERBED SETUP! (you dont even want me to get into that one!) I'm gonna be hangin 10 on some waves baby! WOOHOO!!

Until next time I bother to get online....

Friday, April 07, 2006

Needles, Pokey Doctors and Traffic - OH MY!

Just jibberjabber today. Went to the Doctor's today and emptied my veins for 6 viles of blood and also got scheduled for a sleep apnea test. He said all my symptoms are pretty much telling him I have it but I gotta go spend the night in the hospital and do this test to make it official. Yeah I'm going to sleep very well knowing someone is monitoring me LOL He did tell me it was a very good thing I quit smoking because that would have made the Sleep Apnea much worse. When the doc tells me that kindof thing it makes me realize how good it was I did stop... so it keeps those cravings at bay.
Hmm. What exactly does at bay mean? So I went downstairs to my surgeon to check in and after an hour wait they stuck me with the nutritionalist instead of him - and as my 14 yr old would say "i got told" because I haven't started that 1200 calorie diabetes diet thing nor have I exercised. I dont have diabetes thats just the diet they push to everyone. I told her to back off I've been stressed out. heehee So I guess I gotta get that goin. I hate dieting. I'm going to do South Beach though (my primary gave me the info on it today) and then Im just going to tell her Im doing the 1200 calorie thing :-)

I got my income taxes deposited today - 8-15 days and they deposit it on the 14th - nothing like making ya wait! So since the van's been overheating as of late - I marched myself into Wireless Toyz and got me a cell phone. It was so much easier in England, they make it so complicated here! Guess they gotta rob ya for whatever they can... I need to order my waterbed too - I found one that isnt real ghetto looking. I got real used to T's - they are so comfy!

Anyway, now I can cancel the digital phone at home and just use the cell... I think I'm going to cancel Time Warner all together - they suck, I just dont like them and I'm getting charged out the ass. I'm going to DISH. So if you have it let me know how it is! I can't change until after the 16th or so though - my brother and his girlfriend are coming for a visit and want to get that Ultimate Fight PPV. He's paying for it so T and the kids will have some entertainment that weekend...

Oh yeah, I got stuck in traffic and was running on HOT 3 times today, guess I should get that fixed one of these days... damn Texas heat.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Okay I've run out of "blah" blogs to write and I find myself being a blog visitor instead of a blogger lately. I have things to talk about from time to time but I guess I feel like I can't. I've been through alot the last 4 months, alot of changes. Things that I thought were meant to be just haven't worked out that way so I find myself in a new state, new job, new status, a new everything. I guess I should mention that things haven't worked out with T and I which has me feeling bad not to mention a bit lonely. On top of feeling bad over that whole thing, I feel like I'm just not happy with "me" right now. Ever feel like you're just a puppet playing on strings? I'm going through the motions to get through each day waiting and waiting for me to change. Yet, I haven't really made the effort for that change to happen. Where has my motivation gone? Makes me want a cigarette all the damn time LOL Don't worry I'm still fighting it ;-) Someone once told me you never stop wanting one, I guess they're right. Anyway that's where I'm at right now... hopefully not for long...

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Totally an 80s child...

You know you grew up in the 80's if...

You've ever ended a sentence with the word "SIKE."

You can sing the rap to the "Fresh Prince of Bel Air". and you can do he "Carlton."

You are a girl and wore biker shorts under your skirts and felt stylishly sexy.

You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey on Blossom.

Two words: Hammer Pants

It was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.

You wore a ponytail on the side of your head.

You saw the original "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles."

You made your mom buy one of those clips that would hold your shirt in a knot on the side.

You own ankle pants with openings so small, they needed a zipper to get your foot thru.

You played the game "MASH" (Mansion, Apartment, Shelter, House).

You wore a stonewashed Jordache jean jacket and were proud of it.

Then the next day you wore parachute pants.

L.A. Gear... need I say more?

You wanted to change your name to "JEM" (She's truly outrageous.).

You know the profound meaning of "WAX ON, WAX OFF."

You wanted to be a Goonie.

You ever wore fluorescent clothing (some of us... head-to-toe).

You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off and his cheeks shifted.

You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the only female Smurf.

You traded Garbage Pail Kids.

You remember the CRAZE, then the BANNING of slap bracelets.

You still get the urge to say "NOT" after every sentence.

You remember Hypercolor t-shirts (and may still have one buried deep in the closet).

You thought She-ra (Princess of Power!) and He-Man should get together.

You thought your childhood friends would never leave because you exchanged handmade friendship bracelets.

You ever owned a pair of Jelly-Shoes (and like #18, probably in neon colors).

You know who said, "I know you are, but what am I?"

You remember, "I've fallen and I can't get up" and "Where's the Beef?"

You ever got seriously injured on a Slip-and-Slide.

You had or attended a birthday party at McDonald's.

"Don't worry, be happy"

You wore like, EIGHT pairs of socks over tights with high top Reeboks.

You wore socks scrunched down (and sometimes still do... getting yelled at by "younger hip" members of the family).

You remember boom boxes. and walking around with one on your shoulder like you were all that.

You know what happens when you feed a Gremlin after midnight.

You remember when Alf was the most popular actor on TV.

You remember New Kids on the Block when they were cool... and don't even flinch when people refer to them as "NKOTB."

You knew all the characters names and their life stories on "Saved by The Bell," The ORIGINAL class.

You know all the words to Bon Jovi's "SHOT THROUGH THE HEART."

You just sang those words to yourself.

You remember watching Magic vs. Bird. (I have no idea what this one is LOL)

You remember when mullets were cool!

You had a mullet!

You still sing, "We are the World."

You tight rolled your jeans.

You owned a banana clip (some unfortunate few still do!).

You used to (and probably still do) say "What you talkin' about Willis?"

You had big hair and you knew how to use it.

You've gone through this nodding your head in agreement.

You're still singing "Shot Through the Heart" in your head, aren't you?!?!?

Saturday, March 25, 2006


I went on a ski trip last year, didn't ski - I just took pictures and flirted with bartenders for free drinks the whole time! (at least I didnt break a leg!) :-) It was a really fun trip though - I didn't get to go on the Sound of Music tour - but I bought the book! LOL

This is where the entertainment lodge was...

The slopes!

I loved the snowy white trees!

The view...

More snowy white trees....

Another view!

Our Hotel...

Streets in Salzburg...

The Castle in Salzburg...

Friday, March 24, 2006

Dreams and Scotland....

Today I had this really freaky dream. Which is actually normal for me because my dreams are always weird, so consider yourself forewarned!!! They are usually so goofy they are funny though! I think I take after my mom, one of her famous dreams is of HUGE teeth with big smiles chasing after her LOL But lets get to my dream shall we? I was in this hotel. Almost ALL of my dreams take place in hotels (it's the slut in me scratching to get out I guess) and my hand was cut. Well, not just cut. There were two cuts one on the bottom of my hand and one on the top and they both like reached around almost like a venus fly trap. Kindof like big flaps - loose on the top and bottom of my hand. They didn't bleed - you could lift them up and it just looked like the bottom of a cooked bonelss chicken thigh. HAHAHA - so for the most part they stayed shut - and I kept telling everyone I really should go to the hospital and get my 100 stitches but everytime I said it when I looked at my wrist the slices were started to heal, so I would nick the whole hospital thing. I must have dreamed this throughout most of my sleep - and I'm assuming my hand had fallen asleep while I was sleeping or something. It was so real that the entire day I keep looking at my hand trying to get the flaps to move. I don't do drugs I swear. At some point in my dream I was in the hospital, but I dont think it was for the flaps. I remember waking up in the hospital room and I had to pee SOOOO bad, but had to wait for this container to pee in for tests. A coworker of mine wearing rubber gloves (thats when you know the dream goes from good to bad) and he brought me this huge ass tall squared pitcher with measurements going up the side. I had to pee soooo bad I took it in the bathroom - squated over it and filled it 1/2 way. I pull up my undies and get read to go out and damn if I still didn't have to pee! I told the guy to wait a minute and slammed the door and couldnt even wait to get my undies down and proceded to pee right through them and for some odd reason made it squirt upward through the top of my nightgown, a nightgown which I had when my daughter was born 10 years ago LOL! I was going through the oh gross thing and finally was done and gave him the now full pitcher. Glad he had gloves!! I woke up having to piss like a racehorse!! I'm surprised I didn't piss the bed HAHAHA Damn dreams...

Okay onto my travel pictures... today we have Scotland. We drove all around and here are some of my favorite shots, the rest are posted
HERE and I highly recommend taking the time to see them - they are awesome! This thing never matches the pictures to my lil blurb with it but hopefully you can figure it out ;-)

Wanna run off to elope at Gretna Green? Not much to it!

William Wallace Monument

Loch Ness

Catchin crabs in the rock pools!

Rainbow on the water...

View from rental...

My absolute favorite pic!! - Eilean Donan Castle

You believe this? 1030 at NIGHT on the beach!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Ask and ye shall receive....

Well FUZZ asked for pics - so I give you pics - these are my favorites - but if anyone would like to see all my pics you can go HERE (click on Ireland Pics) to see all. This was like 4 years ago and I had my dinosaur panasonic digital camera, not the best quality but it's better than nothing ;-) We spent 10 days driving around Ireland and we went everywhere except for Dublin, Connemara and Belfast - Belfast had all that fighting going on and we just couldn't fit Dublin and Connemara in. There was rain everyday, which is usual for Ireland - how the hell do you think it stays so green? :-) Our trip was in August and we needed jackets everyday. When we drove the Ring of Kerry we had bad fog and it was very overcast - we didn't get to see a whole lot but what we did see was breath-taking. I would definitely recommend driving around and seeing the sights instead of just going to one place. It's very easy to get around and the maps are very easy. We did wind up on several one lane roads filled sheep, but it just added to the experience :-)

Next post I'll put some Scotland pictures up - they turned out much better and it was an awesome trip as well!

Cliffs of Moher

Bunratty School (Girls leftside - Boys rightside)

Bunratty Castle

Church in Tipperary

Church on the Ring of Kerry

Ring of Kerry view

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Couple Ireland pics....

I thought I'd post a couple more pics from Ireland. These are of the home (Kinitty)that my great great grandmother grew up in (I think 6 lived in this house) and also one of my mom, our Irish cousin Mary and me when we met for the first time... I have tons of Ireland if you'd like to see more! ;-)

Cead Mile Failte!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!! I love being Irish :-) When I woke up today I had a little pinching contest going on with the kids because they forgot to wear their green - within about 5 minutes all 6 were up in their bedrooms throwing clothes around trying to find something green to wear ;-) I thought about taking them to the Riverwalk because I hear they dye the water green for the holiday - but figured it wouldn't be worth it to drive all the way over there for a "look kids green water!" only to have to drive back again LOL So I took mine for haircuts and we hit walmart while we were out. Tomorrow I'm taking them to Seaworld - give me strength! I think maybe I'll hold off on touching up the roots and let the grey all hang out for once - then I can get me one of those little electric doohickey's and just zoomie zoomie around the park all day with the 'grandkids' :-) I'm serious! bwahahaha!

The picture above is Blarney Castle - it was overcast that day - but most days in Ireland are very wet :-) That hole thats located under the top ledge just above the windows is where you have to lean across to kiss the blarney stone - did you know you had to do that? A guy sits there and holds onto you while you lean backward, grab onto bars and kiss the stone. Here is a pic of my brother kissing it... Its crazy - all that to get the germs of millions of other people's germs on your lips LOL But hey, it's lucky so why the hell not!? ;-) (I did it too but my pic is all boobs so dont even think I'll post it!)

Monday, March 06, 2006

You gotta play....

To win! Okay so I'm on this big kick lately where I find myself in Valero standing in line and saying - yeah give me a quick pick too! Wishful thinking? Maybe... Addicted? Almost... Have I won? A big kickin screamin 3 bucks. Do I want to win more? Hell yeah like a gazillion would be nice :-) And I've been thinking - I just gotta win, I've already got it all spent! Yep... Just a matter of time...

Saturday, February 25, 2006

American vs. Brittish Road Rules

Driving in England was pretty freaky at first because you need to learn to drive on the other side of the road. It takes about 2 weeks and then you pretty much get into the groove of it. I also learned that driving in England is so much different (and safer) than driving here in the states. Sometimes I just can't believe the differences. I'm going to bitch about it, well, because I can.

One of the first things I noticed when I returned from England was everyone was talking on their cell phones while driving, I can't get over how many people do this! I guess this is normal for you all - but in England you can only talk on your cell if you are using a hands free device. They basically enforced this so you couldn't take your hand off the wheel to hold your phone and in return the accident ratio decreased. So if your phone rings and you don't have the hands-free, you either dont answer or you have to pull over and then answer it. Which was actually pretty freaky when I first started driving there because you'll be driving along and cars will just pull over wherever so they can answer their cell phone. If you get caught 'talking and driving' you get a big hefty fine of like 1000 quid (about 1800 american dollars when converted). After a while you just learn to accept drivers doing this - you learn to just drive around them, bitch under your breath a bit, and keep moving along. And ya know what? It was a hell of a lot safer than driving here that's for sure! I wonder just how many accidents are caused because an idiot driver was on their cell not paying attention or because they dropped their phone and were fishing around the floor for it... I'm all for England's rule on this one.

Next we have said idiot drivers (more times than not on their CELL) driving in the lefthand lane going slower than the drivers in the right lane. Seems to me driver's ed taught me the left lane is the passing lane and should only be used for these instances. So why are these fuckwits in front of me going 10 miles under the speed limit and just sitting there? Hello!?! Open your eyes - I'm on your ass and I'm waiting for you to get the hell out of my way!! I think I got used to England actually following the road rules on this - (for this remember the opposite sides of the road come into play - the fast lane is the right lane there) = EVERYONE drives in the left lane and only uses the right when passing. If you happened to be in the right lane coming up on someone - they actually will move over to the left lane so that you can pass - WILLINGLY!! This means most of the traffic is constantly switching from lane to lane because you drive along, come up on someone, get over in the right lane to pass them and get right back over. And it works and can be alot of fun in the process :-) So I vote everyone has to go back to driver's ed and be taught the right way to drive!

My last is more of an opinion. I'm all for speed cameras. They use them all over in England and THEY WORK. Speed limits are different in England - they have three limits - 70mph on 2+ lane roads, 60mph on one lane roads and 50mph on back roads. Some villages will have slower posted limits of 30-40mph. The major roads have the cameras and they even have signs posted to warn you that a camera is coming up (for legal reasons I think). It still slows people down, so they still do the job and they don't need cops sitting all over the roads eating donuts waiting to catch someone on their radar so they can make their quota. I was talking to T about this - and he actually brought up a good point which nicks this out. People would probably spray paint the cameras so they wouldn't be any good. Didn't think about that one - the difference in crime is incredible between the two cultures and the Brits just don't do things like that.... but I'll save the crime comparison for another post. This chick is dont bitching and is ready for bed...

Friday, February 24, 2006

Friday - Wee Hours of the morn...

Wow I just dont have the time to post! Mids is running me down - I'm either sleeping or working and what time I do get free I got three kids and a pain in the ass gobbling up my time ;-) Lets see, what have I been up to... I survived my first Nascar race. Hour, after hour, of cars driving around in circles has a way of just making me wanna ride the bull (dont go gettin a woody T) and shout YEEHAW. I have to admit between the whole Stewart fiasco and watching for the next audible intake of breath over a crash I didn't find it as bad as I thought I would.

Today T and I went and redeemed the 1 hour massages I got him and I for Valentine's Day. They had a couples room and it was pretty cool and very relaxing. Although the way I was laying it threw my back out, so that kindof sucked but otherwise it felt really good - T was very relaxed and feeling much better than I LOL I will say I didnt like when she was doing my upper back and shoulders - she'd shove her thumbs in my shoulders and say ooo there's a knot right there and I swear she was just trying to shove my bones to inflict pain! The foot and leg massage was awesome though :-) All in all I would definitely recommend getting one!

Thats about all thats going on here - tomorrow I go for my Texas Drivers license - finally got the paperwork for my divorce so I get to go back to my maiden name. Weird! But cool... so now I leave you with a little funny that gave me a chuckle today...

Little boy goes to his father and asks "Daddy, how was I born?" The father answers: "Well, son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway. Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, where your
mother agreed to a Download from my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that! neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a blessed little Pop-Up appeared and said:
"You've Got Male."

Monday, February 06, 2006

RedAnts, Putt-Putt and Sucky Superbowls

The weather this weekend has kicked ass here in San Antonio. Upper 70s to Low 80s, Sunny, Breezy, and just the way i love it. Perfect for a hammock - I'd so be out getting me one - that is if it weren't for those damn red-ants in my backyard! Damn but those little fuckers can do some serious hurting!!! Does anyone know their purpose in life?!? I think they need to become extinct real quick! And in case you are ever wondering - if you turn on one of those Six Flags blow-up circle sprinklers and it happens to be on top their house - they get REALLY pissed off!!

Ok so I get every other weekend off and I was lucky enough to have this one off. On my weekends off we also get to play the Brady Bunch with T's 3 boys visiting. I thought hey its so nice out we need to do something outside this weekend - lets go play Putt-Putt! Now considering I'm 39% yankee - you dixies might call it Miniature Golf here. You see there's this place I see every night I'm driving to work off of 151 and I got this crazy idea in my head that it would be really cool to take the kids there. Whatever made me have that crazy idea should just go incognito and keep itself and it's crazy notions far far away from this brain! Between the kids fighting to go first, the pouting and stomping when they weren't, the swinging of putters, the kids taking so many damn shots that we gave up keeping their scores at Hole 2, and we might as well throw in T's shot half-way across the fucking course WHICH thankfully ran itself into a big tree that was in the line of fire and mercifully stopped a man from howling in major pain at Hole 12 - I can say without a doubt it is something that I won't be doing again anytime in the near future! The only good this is I whooped T's ass **insert Simpsons laugh here** HAH-HAH!

Today before the superbowl we took the kids to the park - I didn't take my purse because well we were just going to the park. We decided to hit Sams Club after to pick up some pizzas (they have really good ready to cook pizzas there!) and snacks to have our own little superbowl party. So we get all our stuff and go to check out - T gives him the credit/debit card and it pulls up the debit part - but he doesnt know his pin - so he asks to cancel it and do credit. DID YOU KNOW SAM'S CLUB DOESN'T TAKE MASTERCARD OR VISA?! Only DISCOVER or WALMART credit cards. I was so pissed - what store doesnt take Mastercard or Visa?!?! As it was I was wondering why I paid $50 for that membership when everything is priced the same or more than things I can get at HEB. Now I'm really tempted to cancel my membership!
*SIGH* So since I didnt have my debit cards on me we had to leave without those delicious pizzas. So disappointing!! As for the superbowl - I was disappointed again. The past 6 years in England we didn't get any of the commercials during Superbowl and on top of that we had to stay up until like 5am to watch the whole game. This was my first Superbowl back in the states where I didn't have to stay up all hours of the night and also could see all the commercials - I was so excited!! I watched and watched and waited and waited for those really funny commercials and I saw one - ONE commercial where I laughed a bit - WHAT HAPPENED TO THE COOL COMMERCIALS and WHY DID THEY PICK THIS YEAR TO STOP!?! *sigh* I guess it's not always greener on the other side.... as a trade-off the teams could have given me some good juice during the bowl - there wasn't too much excitement in this one. There was one dude who took this back-bending tackle - one of those "HolyShit he's gonna be hurting" kindof tackles - they went to commercial and never did come back and say how he was... hopefully he's ok... guess it could have been worse though - he could have been under attack by red ants...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Life, Death, & Reality

Ok so Today's post is going to be a little different and may get kindof long. But these stories have had a big impact on me over the past week and I wanted to share them with you... maybe they will for you too...

We were having a slow night at work a week or so ago and this guy at work (we'll call him J) was telling me how he was thinking of adopting his girlfriends daughter who is 13. I thought wow thats a big step and so sweet for him to care so much about her. A asked if she didnt have a Dad, and he said well its a long story but basically his girlfriend had been fooling around with a married man way back then and got pregnant. The father never acknowledged the baby, and didnt even pay child support. I thought hey well that will definitely make it easier to adopt the girl. Then he went into the long story somewhat and gave me a short version of it. I will try to make it even shorter here. Basically when his girlfriend gave birth she had been living with her parents, and she went into a coma for 8 months. They don't know why she was just in a coma. During that time the parents took care of the baby (not great evidently), and also decided to take care of about $30,000 she had in the bank to pay off all their bills. Which to me is a shit thing to do, but this guy said "Hey at least they used it to pay off bills and not blow it". That still sits ill with me though. So then he went on to tell me how shitty her parents are - she continued to support them and help pay their bills and yet they barely acknowledge her as their daughter. Then we talked about why he wanted to adopt this woman's daughter - did he plan on marrying her and he wanted them to be one big happy family? He dropped the bomb and told me that she is dying from Cancer. She is 31, she had breast cancer and it has spread throughout her body and she only has a couple of months to live. She can't go to her grandparents and there is no other family for her to go to so that's why they have been talking about him adopting her. I thought how sad - this woman has been through so much and I truly felt sorry for her. I had this family and the details of J's story on my mind for a couple of days - and with so much thought my mind seemed to turn it all around. J has known this girl for 5 months. How does he know all this is true? I mean this woman who was rich all these years is now living with him with no money to support herself, she has a daughter who she had with a man who was married yet never bothered to take him in for child support, now she is dying with a couple months to live yet she looks and acts perfectly fine and even goes out to the bars drinking with him all the time. So 5 mos before she is supposed to die she meets a man, moves in with him, lets him pay all the bills, even talks to him about adopting her daughter? I dont know something just isn't jiving with me on all that. And what's that saying about me? First I feel compassion for someone then try to bust the story down because something just sounds fishy. For his sake I sure hope the reality has me very wrong.

Sunday morning I was getting off my mid-shift and this talk show was on the radio. What makes this story unusual is I can't stand listening to talk shows, especially on Sunday mornings ;-) So for me to be listening is a miracle in itself - but I guess something kept me hanging on to listen. Don Piper, a minister from Texas was on talking about a book he wrote called "90 Minutes in Heaven" or something along those lines and he went on to tell about the book. He died in a car crash a few years ago - someone from a correctional facility was driving a truck and didn't really know how to drive. He wound up driving over top of this man's vehicle. He was pronounced dead by 4 paramedic units and after at almost 90 minutes he came back to life on his own. No brain damage, only the damage from the accident. There was alot to the story, and I gotta say after hearing him I was seriously amazed to hear his account of it. I might have to look around for his book.

Help Jacqui
Jacqueline Saburido was taking a break from college and industrial engineering classes when she came to the United States from Venezuela to study English. A drunk driving crash changed her life completely.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

New Shoes

Thought I'd share a funny today...

This married couple was on holiday in Pakistan. They were touring
around the marketplace looking at the goods, when they passed this
small sandal shop.

From inside they heard a gentleman with a Pakistani accent say, "You,
foreigners! Come in. Come into my humble shop." So the married couple
walked in. The Pakistani man said to them, "I have some special
sandals I think you'd be interested in. They make you wild at sex like
a great desert camel."

Well, the wife was really interested in buying the sandals after what
the man had claimed, but her husband felt he really didn't need them,
being the sex god he was.

The husband asked the man, "How could sandals make you into a sex
freak?" The Pakistani man replied, "Just try them on."

Well, the husband, after much badgering from his wife, finally
conceded to try them on. As soon as he slipped them onto his feet, he
got this wild look in his eyes, something his wife hadn't seen in many
years--- raw sexual power. In a blink of an eye, the husband rushed
the Pakistani man, threw him on a table and started tearing at the
guy's pants. But the Pakistani man was screaming, "You have them on
the wrong feet!"

Monday, January 16, 2006

Back from the pond...

Today since the kids were off of school I thought it would be good to get them out of the house and do something like go to the movies. They wanted two of their friends to go and they seem like good kids so I told them that would be fine. That way it gives me a chance to hang out with them and get an idea for sure what their friends are like. T the party pooper refused to go and told me I was on my own - thanks hon! Turned out to be a nice afternoon out - although when we got there everyone else in San Antonio decided to go to the movies too so the show we wanted to see was sold out. We bought tickets for the 3:30 show and I took the kids to get a Frap from starbucks since we had some extra time. I'm sure everyone was enjoying their coffee while relaxing to kids shouting "SIT DOWN YOU RETARD!"

Later, we made it to HOODWINKED - its a cartoon of Little Red Riding Hood with a twist. It had a couple of laughs throughout but for the most part I wasn't impressed with anything but the animation, that rocked. The kids gave it a thumbs up though so I guess that's all that matters.

This was the first time we've been to the movies here in the states in ohhh about 6 years so I was pretty impressed! Did you know THEY HAVE A VENDING AREA for soda refills AND a walk-up-to-me-and-pump-all-the-freakin-butter-you-want pump for popcorn!?!?! How cool is that?!? Don't freak out - they had all you can grab napkins too! :-)

After the movie they hung out in the arcade for a little bit and then we hit Evolution Skateboards so my oldest Kevin could check out the skateboards. He wants one for his birthday, I tried to talk him into the Wet Willy one - but he wouldn't go for it damnit.


So I joined Netflix wednesday night - it was around midnight and I was checking it out (I've had a couple friends refer me to them) and figured what the heck - if I don't like it I can cancel. I'm VERY bad with remembering to return movies - so the whole NO LATE FEE thing is what's getting me ;-) So I started making my queue and added movies that I want to see or want to see again. I included some that I want to see - some T might like (even though he VETO'd the whole Netflix idea) - and stuff the kids would like. Friday's mail brought me my first three movies - THEY ARE FAST! You watch the movies - they come in sleeves to return them all postage free. So I watch them, pop them in the envelope, have the kids run them up to the top of the street and mail them and in a day or two I'll have whatever is next in my queue. They have hubs all over the place so it makes getting them quick. I think it's going to be pretty cool because I love watching movies. T doesn't like them much but that's okay I just watch them on my own or since I'm on mids I started taking the portable DVD in and I watch them while I'm working. The joys of being an analyst ;-) Now I think I need to invest in that Dell with the Terabyte hard drive so I can start uhh.. 'archiving' yeah, that's it :-)

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Hangin loose...

I finally called and got the internet problem sorted out here - our box only needed a reboot - but hey the computer is online and its SOOOO much faster than the laptop!! :-) T drove to his house yesterday to get the waterbed, tv, computer and some of the boys things so he will be back shortly. So you all will probably see us both on more often. And I sure hope that waterbed fills fast - not only will it be nice to get off this damn air mattress but think of all the money we'll save not having to replace the mattresses we've popped!! :-)

Slept in today and been chillin out for the most part. I did start to finally get the Christmas decorations taken down - this year I'm weeding out the un-needy stuff (I have TOO much!) - I bought some of those green/red ornament boxes too and it's so much easier than wrapping everything and putting it in a box - this way they have some protection and I only need to wrap the fragile ornaments... I love decorating for Christmas but I sure hate the taking down part!

T needs to get his butt home - i wanna make some waves!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

Damn I wanted to hit the MegapleXXX today and I forgot - I so wanted to bring the New Year in with new goodies!! Guess we'll have to do without, oh well, wednesdays women get 20% off anyway... Took the family visiting to Riverwalk today - went and saw the Alamo. We did what everyone told me to do - find it - take a picture and don't bother. It's alot smaller than I imagined it to be that's for sure...

We're going to hang out with Dick Clark tonight (311 is going to be on!!) - got the shrimpies and we're steaming them right now, well Dad is doing them - that Old Bay smells sooooo damn good! I love me some Maryland Steamed Shrimp, it's ALMOST as delicious as Maryland Steamed Crabs! MMmmmm - Happy New Year y'all!! If you're home tonight too - don't forget to let the kiddies take the old pots and pans outside to make some noise!