Friday, June 02, 2006

Wireless Couch Potato

Amazingly I finally got my wireless network working so the wireless laptops in this house actually work - WOOHOO! Between that and all the shows I've been drug into watching ending I might even become a blogger again. Yep. (Believe it when ya see it) ;-)

God I hate reruns. **INSERT WHINING HERE** You watch a show, cant wait for the week to get through and watch the next episode and its a rerun. What's up with that?!? There's just no reason for them! sigh. **END WHINING**

I actually haven't really watched TV shows for about 6 six years - while in England we even cancelled the Satelite after time and just bought movies all the time and watched them instead. I would buy seasons of 24 (my fav!) and Lost and have marathons watching them but that was about it. Coming back I swore I wasnt going to get hooked on TV. Then I went right to MIDS and we get to watch TV on mids so I got sucked into American Idol, Grey's Anatomy, House, Lost and Miami Ink. Yes some of them would coincide - but I fixed that by doing the whole channel flip-flop thing. Im not hooked at all...

1 comment:

:P fuzzbox said...

Yep, I'll believe it when I see it. But seriously I am glad to see that y'all are doing okay.