Saturday, October 15, 2005


Hey I added a new link that has pics of OUR HOUSE ~ if you want to see it :-) It's still in the last stages of construction so there are still a few things that need to be done like the privacy fence isnt up, the sod isnt down, and the woodwork isn't finished being painted... but it's getting there! :-)

Okay so I was pokin around and came across that site and did the Bold Words thing to see what it would do ~ I LAUGHED SO DAMN HARD I WAS CRYING! LOOK:


Once upon a time there has a young STRIPPER named T. He was a HORNY NOTHING in the HAPPY forest when he met SNEAKY CLEVELAND, a run-away MAFIA MOM from the BIG Queen ANN.

T could see that SNEAKY CLEVELAND was hungry so he reached into his CONDOM and gave him his SMILING CRABS. SNEAKY CLEVELAND was thankful for T's CRABS, so he told T a very BEAUTIFUL story about Queen ANN's daughter RAVEN. How her mother, the BIG Queen ANN, kept her locked away in a BROTHEL protected by a gigantic BFC, because RAVEN was so SEXY.

T LICKED. He vowed to SNEAKY CLEVELAND the MAFIA MOM that he would save the SEXY RAVEN. He would LICK the BFC, and take RAVEN far away from her evil mother, the BIG Queen ANN, and SUCK her.

Then, all of the sudden, there was a SLOPPY HURRICANE and SNEAKY CLEVELAND the MAFIA MOM began to laugh. With a puff of smoke he turned into the gigantic BFC from his story. BIG Queen ANN SLITHERED out from behind a VIBRATOR and struck T dead. In the far off BROTHEL you could hear a SLURP.



Phred said...

Great house..
I`m going to have to read that story again..

Dear Jane... said...

you are a diiiiiiiiirty girl. i love it!

GrapeApe said...

Phred: that first time reading it did me in - i keep reading it to go back for a laugh - I was so thrilled I picked Crabs for a food that was awesome LOL

Jane: me too Thanks! You're not so bad yourself lol

Ann: I wouldn't know about the dick but if he is you know what they say about guys that brag! lol and yes indeedy you were the ANN in my story...You better stop talking like that before you go and make ME horny too!

:P fuzzbox said...

Nice Digs. You will make a great addition to Tejas, which is indian for land of perversion, so welcome.

Jay Noel said...

Better than the new car smell is the new house smell. Looks like it's coming along nicely.

It's amazing how it will all look when they put down the sod.

That fuali thing you did reminds me of those Mad-Libs we did as kids.

GrapeApe said...

Fuxxie: Thanks - I thinks I'm gonna fit right in :-)

Phoenix: I've never smelled the new house smell I cant wait!! I was thinking the same thing about the madlibs - I used to love doing them when i was a wee lass!!