Saturday, October 22, 2005

Six more days...

Would the time gods please fast forward the clocks a wee bit!? I sure could use a mind-blowing orgasm right about now. And lots and lotsa wild MonkeySex! :-) Been cleaning and dumping and stressing all day. I'm completely exhausted, I was just actually in bed all ready to zonk out when my 2 youngest devil children came bouncing into my room acting more like it was 3pm instead of 11pm. Ugh. I wasn't even supposed to have them tonight but the Warden (that would be the ex by the way) decided to go to the neighbors house, get drunk and puke his guts up. Nice huh? Looks like I'm not getting to be anytime soon, that sucks. What sucks even more is tomorrow is the last day I have to get all this shit done before Monday - that is SO not going to happen! I tried clicking my timberland's three times and chanting "I wanna go home" but no luck. AND why wasn't they spelled thay? Doesn't that make more sense??? Hmm.. I wonder if it would be considered child abuse if I shove some Nyquil down the rugrats throats?! heehee j/k AND no I'm not drinking I just get strange when I'm tarrrrd...

A fellow blogger made me a really cool button on his page -
thanks Phoenix! :-)


GrapeApe said...

Hey now! You better be nice to me or I'm gonna knock a 210 off the tally!

Dear Jane... said...

I am ususally stranger when I'm not tarrrrd. If you procrastinate, then yuo will be so busy the next few days will fly by. No, it's only child abuse if yuo beat them for not taking the Nyquil.

Phred said...

Remember that song on Armageddon..
'' I`m a leavin on a jet plane...''
What will you do with the little boogers on that long flight ??

Jay Noel said...

Who couldn't use a mind blowing big O or monkeysex???

I'm glad you like the button I made. Thanks for visiting my blog as well!

GrapeApe said...

JANE: :-)

Phred: Get them seated and leave them to their neighbors then find me a seat in first class HAHAHA IF ONLY!

Phoenix: Ya got me there!