Monday, October 17, 2005

Don't you hate that?!?

The pain!! I just had this real long blog posted and I previewed it and thought it popped up in another window and instead of hiding preview I closed out the window which made me lose everything. Yes it asked if I was sure. I never said I didn't have my blonde moments - ask T he'll tell ya!! (Can you see Florida?!)

Well to make a long blog short - I had to have a Mom to Pervert talk with son tonight. My neighbor Tina spent the night since they all had off school today. Her and Kevin are and ex-couple and they can't be around each other without fighting. Or so I thought. Today she woke up with a fucking hickie on her neck. ARGH! So evidently they are back together and I had to have a talk with her about how hickies make you look like a slut and then a talk with Kev about how giving hickies makes his girl LOOK like a slut! I told him to get with it - If you're gonna give a suck mark at least put it somewhere the parents cant see it! Then I went on to ask him if he has had sex yet - because I'm
a curious Mom and damnit if he's gonna be having sex I want that boy protected - 36 is way too young to be a grandmother! Not to mention all those filthy diseases out there...

Look over to the right sidebar - check me out huh? huh?! I've joined the ranks and am now a Mafia Chick! WOOHOO! And my Poolboy can't even be here to see it! Poor thing's laying in bed dying... on the way home from dropping off his boys he had to pull over to puke his guts up, and he hasn't stopped since. I know he's sick when he's even too sick to whine about it! I know all you men are babies when your'e sick - but this one takes the cake!! He need to wait two more weeks so I could be taking care of him. I know I get there in 12 days - but he can't get sick until I've had my way with him and I want about a 100 rounds of MonkeySex, which will probably be done by day 14 so WALA - that's the perfect time for him to get sick and for me to baby him all he wants :-) Make sure you all tell DarlingDinkyBunkyBoo (lmao that cracks me up everytime i call him that and yeah i'm in for it when he gets better and reads all this shit LOL) - tell him to quit pissin around and get his ass outta bed!!

P.S. I finally figured out the picture in a post thingy, damn that was easy!


Phred said...

I thought he`d been way too quiet.
It scares me when he`s quiet like that.
At work, if I couldn`t hear him or see him - I would look around behind me...

GrapeApe said...

LOL Yeah when he's quiet he's sneaky and then you never know whats coming!

Jay Noel said...

Your son is making out and having sex possibly? And you're 36? Dang. How old is your kid then?

Remember that movie Grease about hickies?

"A Hickey from Kinicki is like a Hallmark card."

:P fuzzbox said...

I will share a peice of parently advice that my pappy gave to me. "If you aren't in bed by midnight, you might as well come home."

GrapeApe said...

Ann: you're such a sweetheart!

Phoenix: He's 13 - and they're actually starting younger than that nowadays! Scary huh? I saw that movie 36 times when it came out - I remember every line!!! lol

Fuxxie: Stroke of Midnight ~ got it!

Jay Noel said...

13? Oh my lord? You have to ask if he's had sex and he's 13? Maybe I'm out of touch...I used to be a high school teacher, but that was almost 6 years ago.

Come to think of it, I had full fledged sluts in my classroom that were only 14 - 15 years old.

GrapeApe said...

LOL Well put it this way - the girls in the village are more like Britney Spears rather than Laura Engles if you get my drift - so yeah I had to ask! He's been living with the Warden (ex) so who knows the trouble he's gotten himself mixed up in! Thats why Im trying to get him out ;-)

Phred said...

Raven, is it further to the moon or to Florida ??

One day two blonde astronauts were talking. One was from the US and the other from the Soviet Union.
The American said '' We are planning a trip to the moon''.
In a haughty way the Russian said '' Big deal, we are going to the sun''.
The American said '' Are you will burn UP !!''
'' Duhhh,'' said the Russian, '' We are going at night ''.