Thursday, October 13, 2005

All about the PITA...

Seeing as though I'm pretty new to this blogger thing I figured I outta try to post a little something to introduce myself. I am a chick who is currently living in Jolly Ole England. But not for long as it looks like I got a move happening here in about two weeks. I'm going to be packing up the house and kids and traveling to San Antonio, Texas. I have this Long Distance Relationship (LDR) thing going on so it can't get here fast enough... 6 months without sex SUCKS and obviously I don't mean that literally! Do you know how many damn batteries I've gone through?! I really should have bought stock in Energizer. Oh yeah, this is probably a good time to mention I can be a bit perverted at times. But honestly I was never like this until I met my GOOBER who some of you may know as T. It's all his fault!

Don't worry though, I'll have my non-perverted moments too and you'll probably hear me tell some funny stories about the kids from time to time so I'll tell you a bit about them just so you know who I'm talking about...

I have three rugrats - Kevin is 13 and he has reached the rebel stage. He's going through the typical "All take and no give with an attitude to boot" stage. He's had a rough time with the divorce though so I guess that's to be expected... Then there's my girl Kerigan. She's 9 going on 16. She loves Bratz, Boys and Makeup and not particularly in that order. One minute she can be girly girly and the next she's a tomboy. Which is probably a good thing since her 2 brothers are going to be expanding to 5. She's gonna need to be able to take em down once in a while ;-) Now Kyler, he's my 6 year old and my sweetie. He can make me laugh so hard at times, and he's also my affectionate one. He's just like me when I was a kid - he gets yelled at and he laughs. No matter what kindof trouble he is in - he smiles about it. The worst part is I was just like him so I know it's something I won't get him out of and I'm going to have to deal with those smiles for a very long time! I am also going to have 3 stepsons. With just a weekend with them I managed to get them to love me, course I got sucked in too. Paul is 9 and such a sweetie! This kid LOVES reading - probably as much as I love buying books for him... he loves sexy girls and boobies and T and I have already discussed putting a lock on Ker's door ;-) Not to mention constantly reminding those two they are going to be brother and sister soon LOL Bryce is 6 and he loves to draw pictures for me so I have quite a few plastered on my desk at work. They are all of the two of us and he tells me he loves me in all of them... Justin is 5 and the baby, he's very affectionate just like Kyler and loves to cuddle up to me. His favorite saying is "Guess what?!" Yep - life with the new Brady Bunch is definitely going to be interesting ;-)

Well I think i'm done rambling on for now... ~Raven


GrapeApe said...



2. HOUSEWIFE MAFIA? That would require a ring on this finger hon...

GrapeApe said...

It only counts if its BIG and SHINEY!

Phred said...

That`s right..crack that whip Raven..
I didn`t know about the ''Brady Bunch"".
I hope yall got a big house...
Oh , T didn`t tell you I was coming to stay for a month when yall got settled in...?
Opps, guess I spilled the beans... :-)

GrapeApe said...

Whips are not a problem Phred :-) The only problem is he's getting too used to them! heehee

Our house is almost 3100 sq ft so I think we're good :-) You're more than welcome to come visit us - I already got Putty roped into coming to help put on our deck. Hmmm...I'm seeing a big party comin on - couple cases of beer and we'll be set!

GrapeApe said...

Uhhh I've been corrected - scratch that and make that a couple kegs of beer... LOL

Phred said...

Hey, I just realized..I have some biker friends (?) in S.A. - EeeeHaw ! Party Time...
Not to worry, we`ll help with the beer.

GrapeApe said...

All I gotta say is shoes off at the door and the SWING is off limits!

GrapeApe said...

Bigger is always better! Thanks for the welcome Ann... I shall endeavor to make your wish my command :-P~ I gotta tell ya - you're pretty hot you wouldn't by chance be a little interested in some bi-action would ya?

Phred said...

Is it gettin warm in here, or is just me ??

GrapeApe said...

HAHAHAHA! Oh it's definitely hot in here!