Friday, April 07, 2006

Needles, Pokey Doctors and Traffic - OH MY!

Just jibberjabber today. Went to the Doctor's today and emptied my veins for 6 viles of blood and also got scheduled for a sleep apnea test. He said all my symptoms are pretty much telling him I have it but I gotta go spend the night in the hospital and do this test to make it official. Yeah I'm going to sleep very well knowing someone is monitoring me LOL He did tell me it was a very good thing I quit smoking because that would have made the Sleep Apnea much worse. When the doc tells me that kindof thing it makes me realize how good it was I did stop... so it keeps those cravings at bay.
Hmm. What exactly does at bay mean? So I went downstairs to my surgeon to check in and after an hour wait they stuck me with the nutritionalist instead of him - and as my 14 yr old would say "i got told" because I haven't started that 1200 calorie diabetes diet thing nor have I exercised. I dont have diabetes thats just the diet they push to everyone. I told her to back off I've been stressed out. heehee So I guess I gotta get that goin. I hate dieting. I'm going to do South Beach though (my primary gave me the info on it today) and then Im just going to tell her Im doing the 1200 calorie thing :-)

I got my income taxes deposited today - 8-15 days and they deposit it on the 14th - nothing like making ya wait! So since the van's been overheating as of late - I marched myself into Wireless Toyz and got me a cell phone. It was so much easier in England, they make it so complicated here! Guess they gotta rob ya for whatever they can... I need to order my waterbed too - I found one that isnt real ghetto looking. I got real used to T's - they are so comfy!

Anyway, now I can cancel the digital phone at home and just use the cell... I think I'm going to cancel Time Warner all together - they suck, I just dont like them and I'm getting charged out the ass. I'm going to DISH. So if you have it let me know how it is! I can't change until after the 16th or so though - my brother and his girlfriend are coming for a visit and want to get that Ultimate Fight PPV. He's paying for it so T and the kids will have some entertainment that weekend...

Oh yeah, I got stuck in traffic and was running on HOT 3 times today, guess I should get that fixed one of these days... damn Texas heat.


:P fuzzbox said...

Don't have Dish but I do have DirecTV. I have to say that sattelite beats the hell out of cable.

Jay Noel said...

Yeah, I lost the cable after they kept raising the prices every six months. The only problem I've had is if there's a bad storm, you lose the signal. That really sucks if there are weather storm warning on TV. But I guess that's what radio is for.

:P fuzzbox said...

Just popping in haven't noticed you around in a while. Hope you are doing well.