Monday, January 16, 2006


So I joined Netflix wednesday night - it was around midnight and I was checking it out (I've had a couple friends refer me to them) and figured what the heck - if I don't like it I can cancel. I'm VERY bad with remembering to return movies - so the whole NO LATE FEE thing is what's getting me ;-) So I started making my queue and added movies that I want to see or want to see again. I included some that I want to see - some T might like (even though he VETO'd the whole Netflix idea) - and stuff the kids would like. Friday's mail brought me my first three movies - THEY ARE FAST! You watch the movies - they come in sleeves to return them all postage free. So I watch them, pop them in the envelope, have the kids run them up to the top of the street and mail them and in a day or two I'll have whatever is next in my queue. They have hubs all over the place so it makes getting them quick. I think it's going to be pretty cool because I love watching movies. T doesn't like them much but that's okay I just watch them on my own or since I'm on mids I started taking the portable DVD in and I watch them while I'm working. The joys of being an analyst ;-) Now I think I need to invest in that Dell with the Terabyte hard drive so I can start uhh.. 'archiving' yeah, that's it :-)


:P fuzzbox said...

I have thought of doing the netflix thing but don't ever know if I will have the time to watch enough movies to make it worthwhile.

Phred said...

Sounds like life is starting to return to normal for yall. I hope so. Wait ... ''normal life'' with ''T'' ?????

Have a GOOD week.

GrapeApe said...

Fuxxie: Well I can tell you all about the movies and you can live vicariously through my ramblings :-)

Phred: LOL You got that right :-)

Crazy Dan said...

I just starting the same thing at blockbuster. I am thinking of getting one of those DVD burners so I can pirate all the movies I watch