Friday, March 24, 2006

Dreams and Scotland....

Today I had this really freaky dream. Which is actually normal for me because my dreams are always weird, so consider yourself forewarned!!! They are usually so goofy they are funny though! I think I take after my mom, one of her famous dreams is of HUGE teeth with big smiles chasing after her LOL But lets get to my dream shall we? I was in this hotel. Almost ALL of my dreams take place in hotels (it's the slut in me scratching to get out I guess) and my hand was cut. Well, not just cut. There were two cuts one on the bottom of my hand and one on the top and they both like reached around almost like a venus fly trap. Kindof like big flaps - loose on the top and bottom of my hand. They didn't bleed - you could lift them up and it just looked like the bottom of a cooked bonelss chicken thigh. HAHAHA - so for the most part they stayed shut - and I kept telling everyone I really should go to the hospital and get my 100 stitches but everytime I said it when I looked at my wrist the slices were started to heal, so I would nick the whole hospital thing. I must have dreamed this throughout most of my sleep - and I'm assuming my hand had fallen asleep while I was sleeping or something. It was so real that the entire day I keep looking at my hand trying to get the flaps to move. I don't do drugs I swear. At some point in my dream I was in the hospital, but I dont think it was for the flaps. I remember waking up in the hospital room and I had to pee SOOOO bad, but had to wait for this container to pee in for tests. A coworker of mine wearing rubber gloves (thats when you know the dream goes from good to bad) and he brought me this huge ass tall squared pitcher with measurements going up the side. I had to pee soooo bad I took it in the bathroom - squated over it and filled it 1/2 way. I pull up my undies and get read to go out and damn if I still didn't have to pee! I told the guy to wait a minute and slammed the door and couldnt even wait to get my undies down and proceded to pee right through them and for some odd reason made it squirt upward through the top of my nightgown, a nightgown which I had when my daughter was born 10 years ago LOL! I was going through the oh gross thing and finally was done and gave him the now full pitcher. Glad he had gloves!! I woke up having to piss like a racehorse!! I'm surprised I didn't piss the bed HAHAHA Damn dreams...

Okay onto my travel pictures... today we have Scotland. We drove all around and here are some of my favorite shots, the rest are posted
HERE and I highly recommend taking the time to see them - they are awesome! This thing never matches the pictures to my lil blurb with it but hopefully you can figure it out ;-)

Wanna run off to elope at Gretna Green? Not much to it!

William Wallace Monument

Loch Ness

Catchin crabs in the rock pools!

Rainbow on the water...

View from rental...

My absolute favorite pic!! - Eilean Donan Castle

You believe this? 1030 at NIGHT on the beach!


:P fuzzbox said...

Awesome pics. Maybe you shouldn't drink any word for thirty minutes before going to bed.

Jay Noel said...

That's a great dream. I can't believe you didn't wet the bed either.

So wait...when you took those pics on the beach, it was 10:30 at NIGHT??? It looks like it's afternoon - all that sunlight!

GrapeApe said...

Fuzz: but I love drinking word!

Phoenix: Yep the sun was setting and it was 10:30, it was dark around 10:45 - Scotland has long summer days!