Monday, February 06, 2006

RedAnts, Putt-Putt and Sucky Superbowls

The weather this weekend has kicked ass here in San Antonio. Upper 70s to Low 80s, Sunny, Breezy, and just the way i love it. Perfect for a hammock - I'd so be out getting me one - that is if it weren't for those damn red-ants in my backyard! Damn but those little fuckers can do some serious hurting!!! Does anyone know their purpose in life?!? I think they need to become extinct real quick! And in case you are ever wondering - if you turn on one of those Six Flags blow-up circle sprinklers and it happens to be on top their house - they get REALLY pissed off!!

Ok so I get every other weekend off and I was lucky enough to have this one off. On my weekends off we also get to play the Brady Bunch with T's 3 boys visiting. I thought hey its so nice out we need to do something outside this weekend - lets go play Putt-Putt! Now considering I'm 39% yankee - you dixies might call it Miniature Golf here. You see there's this place I see every night I'm driving to work off of 151 and I got this crazy idea in my head that it would be really cool to take the kids there. Whatever made me have that crazy idea should just go incognito and keep itself and it's crazy notions far far away from this brain! Between the kids fighting to go first, the pouting and stomping when they weren't, the swinging of putters, the kids taking so many damn shots that we gave up keeping their scores at Hole 2, and we might as well throw in T's shot half-way across the fucking course WHICH thankfully ran itself into a big tree that was in the line of fire and mercifully stopped a man from howling in major pain at Hole 12 - I can say without a doubt it is something that I won't be doing again anytime in the near future! The only good this is I whooped T's ass **insert Simpsons laugh here** HAH-HAH!

Today before the superbowl we took the kids to the park - I didn't take my purse because well we were just going to the park. We decided to hit Sams Club after to pick up some pizzas (they have really good ready to cook pizzas there!) and snacks to have our own little superbowl party. So we get all our stuff and go to check out - T gives him the credit/debit card and it pulls up the debit part - but he doesnt know his pin - so he asks to cancel it and do credit. DID YOU KNOW SAM'S CLUB DOESN'T TAKE MASTERCARD OR VISA?! Only DISCOVER or WALMART credit cards. I was so pissed - what store doesnt take Mastercard or Visa?!?! As it was I was wondering why I paid $50 for that membership when everything is priced the same or more than things I can get at HEB. Now I'm really tempted to cancel my membership!
*SIGH* So since I didnt have my debit cards on me we had to leave without those delicious pizzas. So disappointing!! As for the superbowl - I was disappointed again. The past 6 years in England we didn't get any of the commercials during Superbowl and on top of that we had to stay up until like 5am to watch the whole game. This was my first Superbowl back in the states where I didn't have to stay up all hours of the night and also could see all the commercials - I was so excited!! I watched and watched and waited and waited for those really funny commercials and I saw one - ONE commercial where I laughed a bit - WHAT HAPPENED TO THE COOL COMMERCIALS and WHY DID THEY PICK THIS YEAR TO STOP!?! *sigh* I guess it's not always greener on the other side.... as a trade-off the teams could have given me some good juice during the bowl - there wasn't too much excitement in this one. There was one dude who took this back-bending tackle - one of those "HolyShit he's gonna be hurting" kindof tackles - they went to commercial and never did come back and say how he was... hopefully he's ok... guess it could have been worse though - he could have been under attack by red ants...


:P fuzzbox said...

The commercials did kinda suck didn't they.

Phred said...

The Burger King ad won first place for SHIT ad of the year..hope they didn`t spend too much making it.

Clydesdales get my vote for # 1.
Drunk monkeys.. # 2.

Stones sucked... and I usually like them.

Big D said...

The commericials weren't stellar but bud and bu light always live up. MAGIC FRIDGE!