Sunday, December 25, 2005

Kids and Christmas

Whew. Six kids at Christmas and we survived! :-) T's ex decided last minute that she wasn't going to come get them so on the Eve of Christmas Eve I went out at 4am to do some shopping. Yesterday I had the kids help me bake cookies for Santa. My first mistake was having the kids help me bake cookies for Santa heehee They actually did pretty good, they decided to make Reindeer Cookies. I got the recipe off of Do not, I repeat DO NOT, waste your time on these. BLEAHK! We had to send T out for the Christmas M&Ms (eyes and nose) and Pretzels (antlers) and seeing as how he's a big BAH-HUM-BUG Scrooge he wasn't happy about facing those last minute shoppers. But he went and lived to tell about it. The kids fought over who was doing what, but Queen Kerigan (my 9 yr old) had them under control. Bryce and Justin handled the sugar dumping and Justin got to mix the peanut butter into the mix. Or at least he tried to - he said he couldn't do it and I told him to make big circles in the dough with his spoon. He screamed "I can't it won't let me!" I was crackin up :-)

I haven't been around for a while but I will try to get on more often - we're still on the laptop and it's just a pain in the ass. That's what I get for my laziness and for having a Poolboy that's practically computer illiterate (I'm gonna hear shit for that one LOL) Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

:P fuzzbox said...

Merry Christmas glad to see you posting!