Saturday, December 21, 2013

Squish's Birth Story

The Journey: 

The past year and a half we went from never in a million years EVER believing we'd have a child together, to getting the super surprise and shock of being pregnant, to actually getting excited about a baby, only to have our new dreams all blown away by a miscarriage.  At this point there was no going back for me, I had already turned into the crazy lady and decided we were going to keep going and try again - on purpose.  So we tried again, only to suffer another loss.  One more try, only this time I had more knowledge of progesterone and baby aspirin.  If I had anything to do with it, the third time was going to be the charm.  I fought for my progesterone, I fought for the baby aspririn and wound up fighting for several more things.  We got through that and then found out we had a 5% chance of Down Syndrome and 27% chance of Trisomy 13 and 18, he beat those odds on the amnio, and then the chance of heart disease was very high and he came through with baby EKG showing that he was 100% healthy.  Then I found out I passed the gestational diabetes test but was Anemic so I went on iron pills and stool softeners.  Then came SPD which is when your pelvic pain/pressure from the pelvis starting to spread early on.  Ouch.  But what's a little pelvis pain without severe adema?  My ankles feet and toes got the worst of the swelling.  Then I noticed my hands and feet itched a little but didn't think anything of it... entering the 3rd trimester I started having itching on my chest.  Then my neck started itching with it - then it went to my cheeks.  I wanted to scratch my chest and face off.  Luckily one of my fellow birth month buddies told me about her itching with ICP or what they call Pregnancy Cholestasis.  It's when your liver makes too much bile and that causes the itching.  Nothing helps it except being on the meds for it and even then sometimes it doesn't help.  I asked my doc to be tested, the results took a week and during that time my itching got worse - I had to fight again and begged for her to let me TRY the meds for 10 days, if it helped we would know I have it.  She agreed, it helped and that following Monday my bile results came back and indeed I was positive for ICP.  This is fatal to the baby so I had to go for weekly Non-Stress tests to watch him and my fetal specialists required me to get bi-weekly sonograms to keep watch on him, and induction was set for 37 weeks.  

Grayden's Birth Story: 

When I went in the night before induction for my cervix gel we found out that Squish had turned breech, so my induction was changed to a c-section first thing in the morning.  The nurse told me different things to try, when I started to feel him move and it hurt a little I start pushing him in a circular motion.  It hurt like it felt like it worked but still kinda felt like he wasn't down... we got the hospital at 6am, I asked them to check the sono just in case - they prepped me for c-section while waiting on the doctor.  Doctor Eng came in and checked me via sono and low and behold that little stinker turned head down!!  So we changed the plan from a c-section BACK to induction and started the Pitosin drip.  Had a few contractions, not a lot, so they checked me and I was dilated to 4, so they broke my water.  Little more contracting, not a ton of pain yet, they came in and put the internal fetal monitor on Squish, which turned out to be extremely important.  Another 30-45 min and the Doc shows up - says they need me to turn on my side - that Squish's heartbeat was dropping.  I turned on my left side, it came up for a second then started to go down again, they had me roll on my right side - same thing.  My Mom, Dad and T's Mom came in the room right at that point and before I know it Dr. Eng told me the baby's heartbeat kept dropping and we needed to go ahead and do a c-section before it gets to the point where it's really bad.  His heartbeat was 90 - then 80.  The next second it dropped to 50 (I didn't know this until the next day) - my family was rushed out of the room - Dr. Eng got my attention and looked directly at me and said we need to go NOW and the look on his face told me all I needed to know and I said ok and we were off!   They were already rolling me out - T kissed me and said he loved me as we were moving and told me it would be ok and the next second I was in the operating room - moving over to the operating table.  My first thought was they better have a good way to keep my fatass on that skinny table!  ;-)  Meanwhile there was like a code blue going on for Squish - Mom said 20 people came running down the hall and that's when they started freaking out - the ER was a big commotion of screams and shouts of everything going on around me medically - the nurse told me everything that was happening which REALLY helped calm me (if that was possible!), I was freezing and fighting tears because I was so worried about Squish, I also felt like I was hyperventilating the adrenalyn was kicking in big time.  The anesthesiologist put an oxygen mask on my face and I'm crying and fighting it trying so hard not to, he's telling me it's just oxygen and this whole time all I could think was JUST KNOCK ME OUT ALREADY!  I already knew I was going to wake up crying and I just wanted to be out and not so scared.  They strapped my legs down, they strapped my arms down, my body was shaking from adrenalin, being so scared, and the OR was soooo cold.  All of this happened in a matter of about 2 minutes I would guess but felt like forever.  The next thing I know I was waking up - I started crying and asked what happened and where Titus was so he could tell me the baby was ok.  He was with Grayden and I asked the nurse if Grayden was ok - they said he was and then Kevin and Jessica came in someone directed them to the wrong room and I was crying saying I'm ok it's the hormones worried that he would think something was wrong - the nurses scooted them out and then Titus came in and I started crying more and I asked him if Squish was ok and he said yes he's ok and I could only cry as he tried to comfort me.  He told me he was so cute and perfect.  Grayden was in the Labor and Delivery room I had started off in that morning - he was with the family.  

Titus went and got him and brought him to me and I just barely remember meeting him for the first time (see picture).  Evidently he cried and cried until he was given to me lol  I remember telling Titus to take care of him, that I would be ok just make sure he is ok.  The rest was a blur for a bit -  He sent my Mom in and I remember her telling me how Grayden was ok and he was perfect and she wouldn't let anyone hold him until I got to hold him first.  Gotta love your Mom!  I remember having to stay in recovery, then being wheeled to our room.  We've been through so much and after all of this he is here, he is 100% healthy, he is adorable, and he is our little miracle who was meant to be, and that's his story.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


I just came across this old blog of mine...  and GEEEEZ so much has happened these past few years!  Just in the last year even... so here's the run down...

My brother passed away ... it made me want to be close to family.  So I decided to move from Texas back towards home in Maryland.  Things were going nowhere with T and I and it was just time to make a change.  It took a year to find a job, then it came up quick.  T stayed and I left having only 3 weeks to pack up and get to Virgina.  I got the necessities, packed up the van and the kids, left the necessities to go back and move it into a pod later, then off we went.  2 months later I went back to pack the house into a POD and T helped me - somewhere in the middle of all that mess both of us had an epiphany, it shocked me to my core because I thought I was done and moving on.  My heart had other plans and didn't seem to want to let go.  I flew back and we continued talking and on New Year's Eve we decided we were going to give it one last try...  In February T and his son made the drive to Virginia and moved with us...  Since then we've bought our own house, and we just had a baby :-)  We're closer and stronger than we've ever been and it's been amazing to have this little miracle come into our lives.  He completes us.

Grayden William
*  October 10, 2013 * 10:58am  *
*  7 lbs 15 oz  *  20 1/4 inches long  *