Thursday, February 01, 2007

February already!?

Oh my how the tables have turned. Since my last post, I changed my mind about moving back to Maryland, decided to stay in San Antonio and buy a house, realized that Im still in love with T, went through hell waiting for him to grow some balls and tell the witch he's moving out, and tomorrow he moves back in with me. :-) Throughout all this we had discussions on 'US' and what went wrong and what things bother us, so we are going to make a go of it one more time. I think sometimes guys get in the groove of the day to day hoopa and then you just kindof lose some of that spark - the key to holding onto your woman is treating everyday like its your last! You just never know when time is gonna be up... course that goes for chicks to guys too ;-)

Friday, January 05, 2007


Havent been around much (Im a myspace junkie ;-)) so I thought I'd give you all an update. Lets see - I had the gastric bypass surgery in August and have lost 81 lbs so far. (Yay me!) 1/2 way there! LOL Feeling great and noticing it now and its pretty awesome. I just got back from a vacation to Maryland - my friend candy flew in to drive it with me and we didnt have any problems. Thank god for DVD players and travel PS1 LOL The kids did great! Paul moved out while I was gone. I had made the decision to move back to Maryland this summer and he said he couldnt stay with me knowing I was leaving. So he moved back in with the witch err I mean ex-wife. (Yeah, just about knocked me over with that one too!). So while home I saw how expensive MD was and it freaked me out so Ive decided not to go. I also realized how much I love Paul, guess it takes losing someone sometimes to see the light. So we're getting together and talking and just getting everything out to see where 'we' stand. Its kindof a big mess... if he comes back he'll be facing the witch's wrath, and the boys are going to be hurt that he's leaving. Nothing's ever easy with us ;-) So thats about it for now... if you're on myspace search for ^^RAVEN^^ on the display name and you should find me ;-) Happy New Year!!!