Friday, May 19, 2006


I'm having one of those Anti-Computer times where I just have no motivation to go online ;-) Things are good on this end. Today I took off work sick (cough/cough)and I got to float around on my raft, with my book, all day, in our pool, with this gorgeous weather! I'm a little burned but it was well worth the relaxation - the only thing I was missing was my "Sex on the Beach" heehee (I would say Margarita but I have yet to have one of them suckers - maybe one day!)

Oh yeah, we got a kitten - actually two - but T threw a fit over 'those filthy disgusting creatures' and we had to do a compromise and only keep one. So Sasha stays and Isabella will be leaving us next week. They are so cute together - I'll post some pics next week. I'm off to Maryland tomorrow to surprise Mom for her birthday and help my brother and girlfriend move her with us. Right now they are coming for the summer/fall to help me out with the kids but I'm hoping they stay so we have family here :-) This means T gets to move Kerigans bed out of her room, move the bed we are using into her room for Mike and Marcie and I'LL FINALLY GET MY NEW WATERBED SETUP! (you dont even want me to get into that one!) I'm gonna be hangin 10 on some waves baby! WOOHOO!!

Until next time I bother to get online....